Children’s Ministry
Central UMC children’s ministry is a family focused, intergenerational approach to faith formation ministry. The pandemic has shown us that church is all about being in community. Our job is to encourage, empower and equip families to grow in faith together!
We read in Deuteronomy 6:5-9 that God created the home to be the place where kids learn to love and live life with God. On your very worst day, you have more impact on your child’s faith then the church will on our best day! Starting this Fall, we are shifting our focus to do a better job of fulfilling our vows! Each month you will receive a newsletter with tips, resources, and ways for your family to connect at Central. We hope as you learn more about how easy it is to show your child who God is and how you live your faith, that your own faith will grow and you will experience God through the wonder of your child!
Want to learn more? Click on this link to watch the intro video about Parenting for Faith: https://parentingforfaith.org/
You can sign up to receive Sunday School lessons as well as our monthly parent newsletter by emailing Pastor Stephanie at stephanie@knoxcentralumc.org. View the parent newsletter here.
Sunday Mornings
We offer a nursery for children ages Birth-Pre-K starting at 10:30 am. The nursery crew consists of staff members and Safe Sanctuary trained volunteers every week. The nursery is on the 1st floor. We follow Holston Conference, CDD, and local health department guidelines in our nursery so as of right now: All adult volunteers are vaccinated and do not wear masks, masks are not required for children but encouraged since Delta cases are rising, no outside food beyond infant bottles, outside play will be encouraged, all surfaces/toys wiped down between use, and each child will have their own set of craft materials.
School age children and preschool age children are invited to start worship with their family. We love having children in worship and welcome their wiggles and giggles! There are also coloring and activity pages in the Narthex in they would like something to work on during worship! We are excited to be regathering for children’s sermons down near the altar. Parents are welcome to come down with their children, especially those that are a little timid or shy. Preschool and Elementary Sunday School (SS) classes leave after children’s sermon. Children may be picked up in the their classroom after worship.
Children are always welcome in worship if your family prefers to worship as a family on Sunday mornings rather than your child going off for Sunday School. We are emailing out SS lessons to any parent who requests them. To get on the email list, contact Pastor Stephanie at stephanie@knoxcentralumc.
Our Safe Sanctuary Policy
Safe Sanctuary is in place to allow your children to learn and grow in a safe environment. All volunteers in our nursery, children, youth and special needs ministries are Safe Sanctuary Trained. You can rest easy knowing that your child is with a trained volunteer or a member of our staff.
Children with Special Needs
Families with special needs children just like all families at Central need to be able to worship and grow in an environment where they know their children are safe and cared for. We at Central want to provide the best environment for your child to learn and grow in their faith. We embrace your entire family as they seek to grow in their faith and worship with us.
Contact Rev. Stephanie Parrott, Director of Children and Youth Ministries, via email or at (865) 524-1659.