Central began its partnership with Beaumont Magnet Academy in 2016. Beaumont Magnet Academy is a local elementary school that features an honors program for K-5th grades.
- Teacher Lunch – To support the teachers and staff as they prepare for students to return, we are bringing in lunch for them the week before school starts. We will include a card to let them know they have our prayers and support this year.
- Classroom Snacks – There is always a need for classroom snacks, but this year, they must be pre-packaged and this can be a great expense to teachers who often fund this themselves. The snacks they have asked for are: Goldfish, Nutri-Grain bars, Chewy granola bars, Cheezits, fruit snacks, crackers, baked chips, Pop Tart bites (Not the larger 2 to a package whole bars). We are asking members to add a package to their weekly grocery list so we can supply them with classroom snacks on an on-going basis this year. You may drop them off during office hours in the bin placed on the Welcome Table marked Beaumont Snacks. This ministry will run all year.

Central began its partnership with Beaumont Magnet Academy in 2016. Beaumont Magnet Academy is a local elementary school that features an honors program for K-5th grades.
- Teacher Lunch – To support the teachers and staff as they prepare for students to return, we are bringing in lunch for them the week before school starts. We will include a card to let them know they have our prayers and support this year.
- Classroom Snacks – There is always a need for classroom snacks, but this year, they must be pre-packaged and this can be a great expense to teachers who often fund this themselves. The snacks they have asked for are: Goldfish, Nutri-Grain bars, Chewy granola bars, Cheezits, fruit snacks, crackers, baked chips, Pop Tart bites (Not the larger 2 to a package whole bars). We are asking members to add a package to their weekly grocery list so we can supply them with classroom snacks on an on-going basis this year. You may drop them off during office hours in the bin placed on the Welcome Table marked Beaumont Snacks. This ministry will run all year.

Pride of the Southland
Central UMC serves the University of Tennessee ‘Pride of the Southland’ Marching Band in two ways. For the past 12 years, we have provided refreshments and drinks to band members at the Band Camp pool party. The church also provides water to band members for the end-of-band-camp march to the stadium. This march to the stadium happens on hot August Friday mornings—students are most appreciative for the cold water we provide at the end of this march.
With an average of 300+ marching band members per year and after 12 years of this outreach, Central has impacted the lives of over 3,500 college students.
Pride of the Southland
Central UMC serves the University of Tennessee ‘Pride of the Southland’ Marching Band in two ways. For the past 12 years, we have provided refreshments and drinks to band members at the Band Camp pool party. The church also provides water to band members for the end-of-band-camp march to the stadium. This march to the stadium happens on hot August Friday mornings—students are most appreciative for the cold water we provide at the end of this march.
With an average of 300+ marching band members per year and after 12 years of this outreach, Central has impacted the lives of over 3,500 college students.