At Central UMC, we have a strong conviction that what we do with our time and our money is a clear reflection of what we value, and has a profound impact on who we become.
At the heart of John Wesley’s Methodist revival was a focus on healthy giving. Wesley wanted his followers to be productive members of their society, but he was also profoundly concerned about the corrosive impact of the accumulated wealth. His solution to this paradox was this famous admonition: “Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.”
The ministries of Central UMC are supported by the generous giving of the members of the church and other friends and neighbors who are committed to our work. But supporting the ministries of the church is only one reason that we are asked to give. The more important reason is that our giving is one of the most powerful tools that God offers us to open up our lives to the movement of the Holy Spirit.
It is God who has chosen to give us the talents that allow us to do so many miraculous things. Our difficulty comes in believing the Bible’s assurance that if we give sacrificially, God will really provide us all we need and will do so abundantly.
There are few subjects in the Bible more often addressed than wealth and giving. Jesus dedicates one-third of the parables to money and its right place in our lives, teaching us that all we have has come to us as a gift from God.
In addition to the offering in worship on Sunday mornings, there are a variety of other ways you can give to Central UMC.
Other Ways to Give
Text donation amount to 865-245-4354
Use Vanco Mobile app found in the app store on your device
Online Giving with PayPal
Electronic transfers from your bank
Making a gift of stock
Making a planned gift
Or use the buttons below
If you have specific questions regarding these methods,
please contact our office at 865-524-1659 or e-mail us.
Text donation amount to 865-245-4354
Use Vanco Mobile app found in the app store on your device
Online Giving
Electronic transfers from your bank
Making a gift of stock
Making a planned gift
Or use the buttons below